8 ways to teach you to judge whether the wire is qualified!

In home improvement, the purchase of building materials is the door of learning, especially the purchase of electric wires. It is even more prudent. Although wires are a very small building material, they play a vital role. Today, Xiaobian teaches you a few things. How to buy wires!

First, appearance

Smooth and round, uniform color, insulation rubber and copper core is not easy to peel off, poor rubber look thick, but when squeezed, the extrusion will become white, easy to fall off in the future cause leakage.

Second, eccentricity

The thickness of the rubber ring is the same, that is, if the copper core is in the middle of the wire, the eccentricity is low.

Third, flame retardant

Using a lighter to burn rubber, when the lighter leaves the wire, the wire should be extinguished automatically, and a small amount of white smoke is emitted. If the flame spreads, releasing a large amount of white smoke indicates that the rubber is of poor quality.

Wire and cable purchase

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