Qijia expert support: use and maintenance of faucets

>>> How to choose a good quality faucet and shower

After purchasing the Italian faucet, how to properly use and maintain it is a headache and headache for many users. In fact, the actual service life of the faucet can be extended for a long time as long as it is properly installed, used, and maintained, and it can always be bright as new.


Have experienced and qualified professionals perform the installation. When installing, the faucet should try not to bump with hard objects, do not leave cement, glue, etc. on the surface, so as not to damage the surface coating gloss. Pay attention to remove the debris from the pipe and install the faucet.


1. During installation, various impurities in the pipeline should be completely removed. Spool damage, jamming, clogging, and leakage can be avoided. At the same time, the surface should be cleaned so that no building material remains.

2. It is not necessary to use too much force on the switch when using any type of spout product, just gently twist or toggle it. Even traditional taps do not need to be screwed to death. In particular, do not use the handle as a handrail to support or use it. The product with a screen cover at the outlet should be disassembled after a period of use to remove impurities. Products with hoses should be made so that the hoses are always kept in a natural stretch so that they do not break.

3. The showerhead metal hose of the bathtub faucet should be kept in a naturally stretched state, and should not be coiled on the faucet when not in use. At the same time, when using or not using, pay attention to the joint between the hose and the valve body not to form a dead angle, so as not to break or damage the hose.

4. The nozzles that are used for a short time may sometimes cause incomplete closure, leakage, loose handles, loose connections, etc. Under normal circumstances, consumers can solve their own problems.

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