Expert guidance: Suggestions for the purchase of metal ceilings

First, when you purchase metal ceiling materials, you must carefully check the brand and model of each product you have set, and clearly identify the product. Good brands have their own anti-counterfeiting labels and are easy to identify. Shows a product, but when it comes to delivery, it is really another product! Especially the accessories, and even more so, the same style is another brand of products, but the price may be a big difference!

Star Libre ceilings Budis ceilings Bosga ceilings

Secondly, many customers now pay attention to the price when buying, and often neglect the price of the related accessory products. When purchasing, they must not only pay attention to the price of the plate, but also pay attention to the accessory product. Do not be afraid. trouble.

Thirdly, many sellers are now using their brains to attract consumers. How to attract consumers to spend their thoughts, and using low-end products as a low-cost hat posing as a high-end brand selling in the same store is a common one. The method, in fact, his actual value is worth the price, or not worth the price, so please pay attention! We must first do some understanding of the product's brand, if the brand is not well-known products must be careful!

Links: Qi Family Photo Show: Simple and elegant Bosch ceiling

Ceiling purchase