Qijia year's large inventory of ceramic tiles snapped up 1 yuan from the audience

Tiles and sanitary ware are the main materials in the decoration. The choice of whether it is good or not can even determine the overall grade and grade of a home decoration. We all know that the prices of good tiles and sanitary ware are very expensive in the market, and some of us are small people. Unbearable prices make us daunted. Nowadays, the Qi family's large inventory in the middle of the year, the brand gathered, ceramic tiles, bathroom products and other products from 1 yuan rush! Xiao Bian to remind everyone: August tile sanitary ware line online buying, today officially began! Affordable, love products, do not miss the opportunity!

Buying address:

Purchase Notes:
This page special instructions:
1. This page is divided into 2 parts, an appointment to rush to buy products area with the tiled bathroom section of the day to buy the area.
2. Please refer to the activity description at the top of each product for details of the activities of each part.
3. If you have any questions about the event, please call customer service

1, make an appointment to buy products
Activity Rules:
1, click on the product to enter the merchant shop details page, fill in the correct personal information, submit the order;
2. The users will make an appointment to buy the products on 8.8-8.17 days. After the reservation is made, the system will automatically trigger the “successful purchase” message. On August 18th, the website will select lucky users to purchase the corresponding panic buying price from the list of all reservations. Products (Note: Not by "successfully purchased" SMS can purchase products at the buying price);
3, Each snapped product with the same mobile number, delivery address and IP address is only reserved once;
4. The list of lucky netizens will be announced in the "Language Forum". Please pay attention immediately;
5, if in doubt, contact customer service hotline: 400-880-2600;
Note: Due to limited page, only some products are displayed. For more product information, please click here

>>>> For more details, please click on the page to view

Promotional activities Yu bathroom tile ceramic tile price ld tiles

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