Water and electricity decoration knowledge home distribution box installation requirements

Home renovation, water and electricity should go first. The laying of the home circuit is very important. The installation of the home distribution box can not be ignored. It involves the safety of household electricity. The following Xiaobian tells you that the installation requirements of the home distribution box give you a beautiful and safe home.

Home distribution boxes need to be more beautiful and safe. According to DB31/T living room decoration; 30—1999 document 4.1.1 stipulates that the distribution box must be configured for home decoration. The distribution box should meet the following requirements:

1. The distribution box is divided into two types: a shell and a plastic shell. There are two types of wall mounted and concealed, and the box must be intact.

2. The busbars in the cabinet shall be set with zero line, protective grounding line and phase line, respectively, and they shall be intact and have good insulation.

3. The mounting bracket for the air switch should be clean and free of space.

4. The distribution box door panel should have a transparent window for inspection.

Renovation process Hydroelectric renovation decoration company home decoration home switch window space decoration living room decoration home

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