"potassium" and "boron" combined with high common effect

The two elements of potassium and boron, one belonging to a large number of elements, one belonging to the emblem element, the crop requirements are not the same, and the use effect is also different.
Potassium is a quality element. It participates in all biochemical reactions in plants, enhances the ability of sticking to prevent sticking, increases grain weight, and generally increases crop yield by 10%-20%. Boron is an irritating element, mainly affecting the development of plant reproductive organs such as pollen and pollen tubes. After boron application, it will promote the normal development of plant meristems, make reproductive growth normal, and benefit reproductive organs. The normal formation, there will be no "flowers and false" disease, abnormality, etc., so generally increase crop yields by more than 10%. The two elements of potassium and boron seem to be irrelevant, but in fact they complement each other, and the application can produce common effects.
According to the test, the application of potassium and boron on the basis of nitrogen and phosphorus application, compared with the single application of potassium or single application of boron in the same situation, has obvious advantages in increasing yield for any crop, and the yield increase exceeds 5%-8%. Especially for rapeseed and other potassium and bromine crops, the advantage of increasing yield is more obvious, up to 12%.
At present, there are still some places in the rural areas where fertilization is unscientific, fertilizer input is insufficient, and fertilizer application ratio is imbalanced. The emphasis on nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers and the contempt of potassium fertilizer are still widespread. Therefore, if we do not fundamentally change this wrong fertilization habit, and timely apply potassium and supplement boron to crops, the high-quality and high-yield crops will not be guaranteed, and agricultural products will be uncompetitive.
Adding potassium and supplementing boron to crops should generally be carried out on the basis of application of nitrogen and phosphorus. The method is as follows: First, the base fertilizer is applied, that is, on the basis of applying nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, 10-15 kg of potassium fertilizer and 0.5-1 kg of boron fertilizer are applied per mu. The second is for topdressing application, that is, in the transition period of crop growth, 3-5 kg ​​of potassium fertilizer is applied per mu, and 0.2 to 0.25 kg of boron fertilizer is sprayed on the foliar surface (40-50 kg for water, spraying one mu crop).
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