Summer decoration book code balcony inspection acceptance matters

At present, some users do not care much about the quality of the balcony's packaging, and even think that the quality of the balcony is less than that of the living room. Therefore, they randomly found some migrant workers to manually install, thus buried potential accidents.

Create a balcony window

If you compare the aluminum windows on the balcony with the equivalent doors and windows in the home, it is clear that the quality requirements of the former are much higher than those of the latter. Because the balcony is volleyed on three sides, the wind is blown on several sides, and its force is much larger than ordinary windows. In addition, many balconies were designed without regard to the future packaging of the balcony. At the top of the balcony and the guardrail, there was no place where the window sash “rested”. Therefore, accidents can be easily caused by poor installation.

So, if you decide to close the balcony with aluminum alloy windows, in addition to those noted above, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

1, can not use small sections and thin-wall aluminum aluminum balcony window. Some construction teams cut corners and use aluminum tubes instead of regular aluminum window profiles. This will greatly reduce the capacity of aluminum windows in balconies. If you encounter strong winds, distortion, deformation, or even shedding will occur.

2, aluminum strength must meet the standards, ultra-coded when hand-folded should feel very hard. Soft material can not be used firmly.

3, the design should be reasonable, not for the provincial material to take a big grid approach. It is not possible to use a large sash from the guardrail to the top to “floor”. Be sure to install a 400- to 500-mm fixed window in the upper part and a 1200- to 1300-mm sash window below. Moreover, the sliding window should not be too wide.

Balcony doors and windows aluminum alloy paint cement

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