Indoor Lamp Knowledge: Classification and Features of Pendant Lamps

Chandeliers are suitable for the living room. The chandelier has the most patterns, commonly used are European candle holder chandelier, Chinese chandelier, crystal chandelier, parchment chandelier, fashion chandelier, conical gleam lamp, pointed flat flower lamp, corset lamp, five-prong ball chandelier, magnolia lamp, Olive chandelier and so on. There are two kinds of single-head chandelier and multi-head chandelier used in the house. The former is mostly used in the bedroom and the dining room; the latter should be installed in the living room. The installation height of the chandelier should be no less than 2.2 meters above the ground at the lowest point.

1 European Candlestick Chandelier

The European classical style chandelier was inspired by ancient people's candlestick lighting. At that time, people placed several candles on the hanging iron. Many chandeliers are now designed in this style, except that the candle is changed to a light bulb, but the light bulb and lamp holder are still like candles and candlesticks.

2 crystal chandelier

There are several types of crystal lamps: natural crystal cutting chandelier, heavy lead crystal blown chandelier, low lead crystal blown chandelier; crystal glass mid-range chandelier, crystal glass pendant chandelier, crystal glass die-cast cutting chandelier, crystal glass bar Chandeliers and so on.

Most of the crystal lamps on the market today are made of crystal, but the materials used in the crystal are different. The crystal lamps with good quality are made of high-tech materials, and some crystal lamps that are filled with fine crystals even act as crystals in plastic. The material, the light and shadow effect is naturally poor. Therefore, be sure to carefully compare and carefully identify when buying.

Lamps and lanterns chandelier style effect map glass residential switch home decoration decoration design decoration living room decoration style glass door lantern bedroom European restaurant bedroom lamp bedroom lamp

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