9 details create the perfect cabinet DIY cabinet matching must-see

Due to the high price of the whole cabinet and the lack of personality, many owners choose DIY cabinets. Especially with the help of designers, you can make your own small kitchen more beautiful and more integrated into the overall style. However, DIY cabinets must not only be beautiful and practical, but also work hard in details. Let's look at a DIY cabinet and analyze the nine details of this seemingly noble cabinet.

Links: Product Reviews: Variety of flat cabinet performance competition

Since the entire space adopts a rustic American rural style, the kitchen uses cement and brick DIY cabinets. The warm khaki and brown solid wood door panels make the kitchen more natural and rustic.

Brand Stores: UOB Cabinets

Details one: Since the masonry hood

Western-style decoration is often used in this way, a hood is used to wrap the hood that is easy to stain, and can also be decorated on the top, so that the homemade cover is more beautiful, and the overall sense of the kitchen is also stronger.

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