Ten classical knowledge of solid wood flooring

When many netizens purchase wood flooring, the first thing that comes to mind is solid wood flooring because it is the most traditional, most popular, and most perceptive floor. Solid wood flooring attracts consumers with its unique luxurious, comfortable and natural advantages. However, in the current solid wood flooring market, there are many brands, prices are different, quality is uneven, how to buy the right product? The following content is helpful to you:

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1. What is solid wood flooring?

Solid wood flooring is a floor that is directly machined from wood.

2, What are the characteristics of solid wood flooring?

Solid wood flooring is one of the most commonly used materials for interior floor decoration. The product is naturally simple, natural and noble, and can create an elegant and elegant living environment with human beings; good elasticity, comfortable foot feel; cool in winter and cool in summer, can adjust indoor temperature and humidity; itself does not emit harmful gases, is Real green environmental protection home improvement materials.

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3, what types of solid wood flooring?

Solid wood flooring can be divided into concrete floor slabs, flat grounding panels, and inlaid flooring. The most common one is the concrete grounding panels. According to whether the surface is painted or not, it can be divided into painted flooring and unpainted flooring (commonly known as plain board). Now the most common is the UV lacquer flooring; according to the species can be divided into domestic floor and imported floor. The wood species commonly used in domestic production include birch, ash, eucalyptus, maple, and commonly used wood species such as croton, mageberry, yamu, balsam, ant wood, teak, zelkova, and Wing bean, four-seed wood, iron wire and so on.

4. How is a solid wood floor graded?

China's solid wood flooring standards provide solid wood flooring is divided into superior products, first-class products and qualified products in three levels. In this regard, consumers are reminded that other forms of grade are not in line with China's solid wood flooring standards, for example, some manufacturers identify the grade as "AAA", which is corporate behavior.

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