Home decoration paint to scientifically identify a lot of tips

At present, the building materials market is fiercely competitive. In the face of negative impact on the overall building materials market by some of the building materials traders, it is also necessary for consumers to have a correct sense of consumption and know how to purchase scientifically. Forcing the commercial quality of all building materials to take sales, thereby stimulating the industry's market standards. So how should consumers avoid buying paint products that have expired or have poor quality? To this end, the reporter interviewed paint dealers of several well-known brands in the urban area to see professionals for your help:

Brand shop: Dulux

A look at the packaging: consumers should carefully check the packaging when purchasing paint, polyester paint due to greater volatility, product packaging should be good sealing, can not have any leakage phenomenon, metal packaging should not appear rust, otherwise It shows that the seal is not good or takes too long. If you look closely at the production date and shelf life, you must first remove the inferior paint from the outer packaging.

Two check weight: According to industry insiders, different paint packaging specifications are different, the weight is also different, consumers can use an easy way to buy, know the advantages and disadvantages: shake out each tank, if shake it up A "click" sound indicates insufficient or volatile components.

Paint Coatings Buy Paint Building Materials Market Coatings

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