Renovation buy latex paint should consider the index

Knowledge of paint and coating can be divided into low-grade water-soluble paints and latex paints. Low-grade water-soluble paints are commonly used in 106 and 803 paints. They have the advantages of non-toxicity, convenient construction, and low price. The disadvantage is poor durability. Easy to change color. Latex paint it has elegant, fresh decorative effect, non-toxic, odorless environmental protection features.

Dulux Nippon Paint

Select latex paint to consider the following indicators:

Environmental protection indicators: whether the formaldehyde, lead, mercury and other harmful substances in latex paint are up to standard, and whether it is truly non-toxic, safe and environmentally friendly. Here you can tell that the main components of latex paint are non-toxic resin and water, and lead and mercury are not included. No irritating odor will be produced during the brushing process and will not cause harm to the human body, living organisms and the surrounding environment. However, you must purchase latex paint products marked with the manufacturer, production date, and shelf life, as well as the lead-free and mercury-free labels.

Scrub resistance: Scrub resistance is an important indicator. Because the wall is easily soiled, families with children will be more troubled by graffiti. After the latex paint containing the waterproof formula dries out, it will naturally form a dense waterproof paint surface. With clean water or mild detergents, you can easily wipe off stains without removing the paint itself. The latex paint sold in the market will have this function as long as it is a regular manufacturer's production and meets the requirements of the national standard for waterproof latex paint. Some manufacturers have proposed that the number of washing times exceeds the national standard several times. In fact, this does not make much sense for the average family. The provisions of the national standards have fully satisfied the requirements of home decoration.

Quality-to-price ratio: This indicator is actually an issue that we must consider when choosing any product. Well-known brands are not the products with the best price ratio because of the cost of advertising in their costs.

Moisture proof function. Has the wall of your home been too wet to cause mildew? This is especially prominent in basements, bathrooms, or in wet weather. Anti-mold and moisture-proof latex paint can effectively block the invasion of water on walls and walls, prevent moisture penetration, and prevent mold growth. Lasting paint is not easy to fade, fall off is another point consumers should pay attention to in the selection of latex paint, in general, latex paint to maintain a new bright 3-5 years is more in line with family requirements.

Paints, paints, paints, latex paints, paints, decorating, home decoration, decoration, home

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